The History of Eye of Judgment by jcpetersen

The History of Eye of Judgment
(Summaries of the Summoner's Companions for the First Five Theme Decks)

Each of the 5 pre-constructed theme decks for Eye of Judgment come with a Summoner's Companion booklet. These booklets have background information about the cards, the nations in the game, a time line of the world's history, images of the cards (all the cards of that element, except for their phantom, along with all the spell cards), a checklist for all 110 cards (the checklist only refers to cards 015, 033, 051, 069, and 086 as " Phantom Card", not by the actual name) and a short story based on the game.

The time line and short stories are summarized below. Attempts were made to include any cards that may be mentioned, directly or indirectly, in the original text, as well as all characters, events, and locations referenced by name, since they may become important in future card sets.

The world of Eye of Judgment is split into two continents. The Northern Continent, Terra Noram, is completely occupied by Dhees, the Nation of Fire. It is linked to the Southern Continent, Terra Sauram, via the Granvil Bridge. The remaining three nations of Val na Vos (Earth), Tritona (Water), and Til Vorg (Wood) occupy the Southern Continent.

The history of the world is broken into two time periods, the Dawn Era, or DE, is followed by the Holy Calendar years, which start with the coming of the Four Saints. The Dawn Era is the "pre-history" of the world, starting about DE 50,000 when the Supreme Being created the world, and includes the scientist Scion creating the Bioliths, machines that move and think on their own, about DE 40,000. Scion is defeated by Juno, the son of the Supreme Being, with a single word. Scion apparently commits suicide and the deactivated Bioliths are left around the world as a warning against the sin of pride.

The Four Saints appear from the Juno Tower in HC 1, each goes into the world and becomes the founder and namesake of a nation: Val na Vos founds the Nation of Earth (and a political system based on divine visions), Til Vorg the Nation of Wood, Tritona the Nation of Water, and Dhees the Nation of Fire. Saint Tritona not only establishes that only females can rule the Nation of Water, but also orders the building of the Granvil Bridge in HC 10, which links the northern and southern continents when it is finished in HC 64.

The saints return to the Juno Tower in HC 25, disappearing from the stage of history.

The Tritona Queendom is founded in the Nation of Water by Queen Mary Tinoa in HC 355.

In HC 411, the magic of Summoning Cards, first invented in the Dawn Era, is rediscovered by wizards of the Academy of the Sacred Darkness.

"The Cleansing" occurs in HC 568, when Queen Mary forces the People of Fire from her lands. They are forced across the Granvil Bridge, and many are slaughtered on the Freedonian Plains.

Parmus, an excommunicated monk from the Monastery of Mourning, establishes a new religion in HC 600. The Church of Parmus uses prayer to channel magic, creating real "miracles" that convert many to the church.

The Novogus Dynasty of Val na Vos, the Nation of Earth, begins in HC 650 and King Novogus the Usurper starts to establish an army. In HC 787, this army starts the invasion of Tritona, the Nation of Water, which is called the Okunada Campaign. In HC 790, Novogus is victorious and starts the invasion of Til Vorg, the Nation of Wood.

Here the short stories of the booklets start, with that of the Earth Emperor deck.


Xerabis, the chief of the Stone Wing Dwarf Scouts, returns from viewing the battle field as Novogus' army advance on Tolicore, the capital (and only) city of the Nation of Wood. The wood people are tenacious fighters, using the cover of the forest to their advantage. By attacking the one centralized location, Novogus hopes to eliminate any coordination between the loosely aligned wood tribes, and then destroy those tribes one at a time. The wing malfunctions, however, and Xerabis crashes into a platoon of Verzar Foot Soldiers. King Novogus appears, requesting a report. The news that the wood tribes are scattering seems to please the king.

Novogus returns to his tent, and performs an arcade ritual to contact his master, Scion. It is clear that Scion is instructing Novogus, and he tells the Earth King to advance without delay. Each of the nations possesses the traits of its prime element, and normally the earth legions would move slowly and methodically. Novogus will need to act against type to catch the wood tribes by surprise.

The army of Novogus advances on the city, with siege engines like the Novogus Catapult, and Verzar Foot Soldiers let loose their hunting dogs, Verzar Canines, into the forest to attack hidden Bewitching Elf Archeresses. But after the initial screams of the female forest warriors, the forest is eerily silent... until the trees themselves come alive and Juno Tree Haunts attack. Scion had predicted this, and Novogus counters by issuing a single command. Stone Wing Dwarves carry Giant Axe Dwarves to the tree line, where the giant axes make short work of the trees.

After capturing the city, the king is visited by Inquisitor Koog, a disciple of the Church of Parmus and a mixture of man and magical machine. Koog's people have taken control of the other settlements, and he tells Novogus to "consult the Master." Novogus does so, and Scion orders him to quickly push forward and attack Dhees, the Nation of Fire.

Novogus starts to object, wanting his troops to rest and regroup, but Scion temporarily paralyzes him. Scion's laugh reaches the very core of Novogus' being as he suggests that the Earth King could rule the entire world. Novogus soon joins in his master's maniacal laughter.

At this point the time lines and the stories disagree. According to the time line, the wood tribes are united under an elven maiden named Edin Rose in HC 787, the same year Novogus invades the Nation of Wood. However, the quote at the beginning of the Wood Swarm short story clearly states that Edin Rose started her quest in HC 793.

Just before that, in HC 792, the Nations of Fire and Water formed a secret alliance against the Novogus Dynasty, known as the Cai-Shae Coalition, after the one island where people from the two nations exist in peace.


Edin the Persecuted was once just Edin Rose, a young elven scout who heard the Juno Forest speak with the voice of Til Vorg, calling her by name and telling her to drive the invaders from her forest and to attack them, "like an arrow from a bow."

Her crusade gets off to a less than stellar start when her attempts to rally her own tribe, the Scouts of Puweel, against Novogus and his emissary Inquisitor Koog fail. She is excommunicated from the tribe by Riada, chief of the scouts and Edin's own mother.

She does gain one ally, however, a scout named Dardu that has the experience and leadership abilities that Edin lacks. Dardu believes that Til Vorg spoke to Edin. Dardu is a faithful follower of Til Vorg, and of her commands. This first convert to the cause becomes Edin's companion, giving her the strength to continue in the face of this first failure.

Dardu advises Edin, and she is able to convince the other tribes to join by appealing to their specific natures. The Beserker Maidens of Lorel, led by Ianna Reed, join when Edin tells them that the story of this war will be legendary, and the Berserker Maidens must join to risk being a part of future stories. The Bewitching Elf Archeresses, Rerr and his Elven Riders, the Green Erl-King and the goblins, the Juno Tree Haunts, and even the Juno Forest Dragon all join Edin. Throughout these encounters, Dardu continues to advise and support Edin, giving the young maiden strength and courage she did not know she possessed.

The only tribes not yet part of Edin's army were the Elven Death Dancers and her own tribe of scouts. Edin needed to defeat Ouklif, the Death Dancer leader, in battle, but as she struck her staff in a final blow, the world shifted, and suddenly Edin was not attacking Ouklif, but Dardu. Dardu's body flew backwards with the force of Edin's attack, and Edin knew without looking that her companion was dead.

Ouklif had switched places with Dardu using the power of the Danse Macabre, and explained to Edin that Dardu had known and accepted her fate; it was necessary for Edin to strike a killing blow in order to win the allegiance of the Death Dancers.

Edin now stood at the head of a great army, but at a terrible personal cost. Edin choked back her tears - leaders didn't cry.

Returning to her camp, Edin found a messenger from the Scouts. She was no longer exiled, and her mother invited her back to Puweel to again make her argument for the Scouts to go to war. Edin paused for a long moment, then told the messenger her answer: The decision for the Scouts to go to war or not belonged to the Scouts, not to Edin. Edin had her army, and would be fighting with or without them. And, whatever the outcome, she would never return to Puweel.

A few months later, Edin and her army had driven the army of Earth out of their forest, to the very gates of their capital. Edin had done what the voice had instructed her, and now did not know what to do. Should she destroy the Earth Empire forever? Return to the people of the forest tribes? Maybe she would just go off by herself into the deep woods to think - and to grieve.

At this point in the time line there is a problem: there is a typo in the Wood Swarm book. Edin's army assault on Visvar Vaas, the Sand City, capital of the Nation of Earth, happens in HC 797, not HC 787.

And in HC 797, the Water Barrage, Fire Crusader, and Biolith Scourge stories begin. These stories intersect and directly follow each other.


After surrendering to Novogus to prevent the genocide of the Nation of Water, the Church of Parmus was the official state religion, and the Old Way of the Sea Goddess, of the Ebb and the Flow, was being eliminated. The last remaining non-Parmetic enclave was the Okunada Monastery, but not for long.

Brother Vlo, a merman and a novice to the order, was sent to greet two guests at the order of the Abbot. The first was Sister Superior Krizin, an Aluuja Priestess of the Church of Parmus. Frustrated at not being seen by the Abbot himself, Krizin states that this is the Abbot's final warning: the building now belonged to the Holy Church of Parmus. Krizin storms away, followed by her Tritonan Ice Guards.

The second guest is an elderly merman monk called Father Lo'am, who has traveled the world and not lived sheltered in a monastery like Vlo has. He has also received word that Vlo has been seeing visions. Every night, Vlo dreams of a blond human man, chained to a wall, and of a sword of living flame. The man calls himself Didi, and speaks to Vlo, saying things that did not make sense; that if Vlo freed him, then the sword would set everyone free.

Vlo was worried about his own sanity, but Lo'am offered to help the young monk make sense things - if they left the monastery that night. They swam together down the river to the ocean before Lo'am revealed their destination: Cai-Shae Island.

Cai-Shae Island, the Forsaken Island, lies between the Nations of Fire and Water and remains neutral when the two are at war. People from both nations live in peace there, but their refusal to choose sides means that neither the Fire nor the Water nation will protect them from pirates. Centuries before, a secret covenant took place on the island and two Prime Element artifacts, the Chalice of Oceans and the Inferno Sword, were exchanged. Seer Vizak prophesied that one day a mighty hero of Fire will use the sword to destroy a powerful tyrant from the realm of Earth and deliver Cai-Shae from its oppressors. Lo'am believes that Vlo's visions are the first steps in fulfilling that prophecy.

Reaching Cai-Shae, the monks found it terrorized by Siam, Traitor of the Seas, the four-armed captain of the flying pirate ship Cloud Runner. Lo'am uses magic to attack one of the pirates, the weather witch Gruzhilda, who is threatening a little girl. Gruzhilda is reduced to a pile of ash, which convinces Siam to talk. Lo'am negotiates for Vlo to serve on the ship in order to get passage to Black Goat, the only prison in the Nation of Fire.


The man whom history would record as Didi the Enlightened started off as Didi, a bandit of Goghlie. Didi had graduated from petty crimes to leading his own band of outlaws. He was an accomplished swordsman, but enjoyed using his good looks more than his blade, getting close to rich women - or, more accurately, close to their riches and jewelry.

Didi was in the middle of one such scam in a private room above a tavern when he had a vision of a burning man, warning him about an enemy knowing who he will become. Unfortunately, this ruins his attempt at thievery and he has to make an escape into the tavern, which was now the site of a drunken brawl. This is further complicated by a Flame Magus and some Partmole Flame Lizards showing up to "purify" the patrons in the name of Monafreg, the Mayor of Goghlie, and the Church of Parmus.

Lucky to escape, Didi makes his way to his local bar, the Flatulent Fiend, where the landlady, Thora, served him a tankard of ale. And another. And another.

Didi was wondering about the odd vision he had earlier when he was confronted by bounty hunters. The fight was cut short when Didi was incapacitated by another vision of the Burning Man. Laying on the floor in pain, the bounty hunters knock Didi unconscious.

He awoke chained to a wall inside Black Goat Prison. The beautiful Warden Hilda, a native of Cai-Shae, informed Didi that she had been paid to keep him there for three years. Hilda was immune to Didi's charms, and relied on her powerful magic to keep her prison secure instead of locks or guards. Didi was trapped, and there was no escape.

Hilda was a fair captor, but the lack of freedom wore at Didi, as did the visions, which grew in intensity and frequency. About five months after he was captured, Didi received another vision of the Burning Man, informing him that help was coming, and then a merman fell from the ceiling.

Brother Vlo had come to rescue Didi, and was just introducing himself when Warden Hilda came in to the cell. Hilda was religious, and listened to the monk, who informed her that he needed to take Didi and liberate Cai-Shae Island from pirates.

Hilda makes Didi swear upon Saint Dhees to free Cai-Shae and agrees to let him go. At first the door won't open, and Hilda explains that the prison is sacred to Saint Dhees, and oaths to him are binding - if his heart is false the doors will be locked. Didi considers the potential to be a hero and the door finally opens.


Thousands of years ago, Scion saw the universe as flawed, the elements as imperfect. Opposite elements balanced each other, but nothing balanced the whole. Scion tried to fix things, to apply logic and order to this chaotic system, but the petty gods had ruined his work and struck him down.

Living things were imperfect, recklessly using their mana and only returning the smallest amount when they died. Scion improved upon this by creating Bioliths, which were powered by the mana released by dying creatures. The Bioliths grew in number and complexity over the centuries, and the next step would be to destroy the gods and their chaotic interference in the world in order to bring about perfect order.

But he had moved too soon, and Juno, the Son of God, said a single word that not only removed the spirits from the Bioliths but also their very ability to absorb mana. Scion's powerful Biolith army was now nothing more than metal statues.

Scion had contemplated suicide, but the thought of facing the gods in the afterlife stopped him - he did not want to face the wrath of the gods, or, worse, their forgiveness. He wanted revenge, and for that he would need to be patient.

So Scion waited for thousands of years, and saw the Saints manifest and recruit worshipers. Eventually the Saints left and Scion waited for the opportunity to recruit worshipers of his own - if he could not take mana, he would convince people to give him mana.

Thus, the Church of Parmus was born. And as the Church spread throughout the world, so did Scion's power and influence. The pace increased when Novogus, usurper King of the Nation of Earth, joined the Church. Using Novogus' pride to manipulate the king, Scion was able to control the entire southern continent and was now marching upon Dhees, the Nation of Fire.

Meanwhile, Brother Vlo and Didi had returned to Cai-Shae and successfully led a rebellion against Siam. They were guests of honor at a week of celebration and feasting, which ended when Didi was offered the Inferno Sword. Didi took the sword, and suddenly the joyous crowd fell silent. Didi was confused, but the chief elder informed him of Seer Vizak and the prophecy that a hero from the Nation of Fire would use the sword to save the world from tyranny.

Scion was aware of Didi, but despite his actions, the bandit had lived, and now led an army. The stories of the Inferno Sword had spread as fast as people could tell them, and had given hope to a hopeless world. People crawled out from under their fear of Novogus and his army and had pledged their lives to the former bandit.

The Earth Army outnumbered the rag-tag followers of Didi ten to one. Victory was just a matter of time and patience - and no one was better at time and patience than the Nation of Earth.

But then Didi challenged King Novogus to single combat, and the Earth King's pride - the very thing that made him such a willing puppet for Scion - was his undoing.

The Earth King was dead, and his army was scattering.

At the same time, there was a rebellion in the Nation of Wood, led by an elven maiden, who now marched against the Sand City itself.

Centuries of planning were undone in a matter of weeks.

Scion cursed the Saints and their meddling.

But it was only a temporary defeat.

Scion would have another chance, even if it took another thousand years.

In HC 797, Visvar Vas, the capital city of the Nation of Earth, falls to the army led by Edin. Two weeks later, the Cai-Shae Coalition begins the Yuga Offensive on Yuga's Day, an Earth carnival. King Novogus is killed by the former bandit Didi, and the people of the Nation of Earth are scattered and homeless. The next year, the Earth Kingdom is divided between the other three nations at the Venoa Conference.

In HC 822, the Nation of Wood begins construction on Forest City Brigantia, using tens of thousands of displaced Earth people as labor. A year later, Paradour, religious leader of the Wood Nation, starts the Til Vorg Monarchy, becoming its first Pope and Monarch.

In HC 854, the Dhees Empire is founded by Aaron, leader of the Nation of Fire, who becomes the first Crucible King. Aaron declares war on Tritona, breaking the Cai-Shae coalition and blocking the Granvil Bridge. The Dhees Empire manages to hold the bridge for a week, before the Mercenary Savior Latoo crosses the sea on water dragons and turns back the Dhees army with a surprise flank attack.

The Cai-Shae coalition is broken in HC 855, and civil war breaks out in the former Nation of Earth.

The Earth hero Arelai the Protector unites the eastern part of the nation, and rules from HC 872-892.

The Great Tilicore Quake occurs in HC 905. This is a major earthquake centered around Tolicore, in the Nation of Wood. The capital is destroyed and fires break out throughout the Juno Forest. Brigantia becomes the new capital.

The Saint Val Society is formed in HC 1024, and is used by the displaced Earth people to communicate secretly with each other as they plan to retake their Nation. They are successful in HC 1130 and Visvar Vaas is liberated.

In HC 1132, after some internal political struggles, the Val na Vos Republic is officially established under the rule of the Ten Tyrants. Things aren't exactly peaceful between the Republic and the other nations, and the Aluhja Conflict lasts from HC 1138 to HC 1255 as political borders are disputed until a peace settlement is reached.

In what is called the "Birth of Fire Rite incident", Crown Prince Carlo Dhees is assassinated in Trade City Theraclave while celebrating the birthday of Saint Dhees in HC 1310. Amongst whispers of a Tritonan plot against the Dhees empire, young Crucible King Dios IV declares war on Tritona. This so-called "Hundred Years War" is fought on the Freedonian and Dagoland Plains, and thousands upon thousands are killed. During the 7th Battle of Freedonia (HC 1404), Marshal Don Di of Dhees is defeated by General Clare Wil of Tritona. General Wil pursues the defeated Dhees army to the capital city of Partmole and lays siege to the city. The seige lasts for two years until the pontiff of Til Vorg arranges a ceasefire. The Tritonan forces withdraw to Cai-Shae Island, and a peace treaty is signed the next year that cedes the Granvil Bridge to Tritona.

The war hero Clare Wil is crowned the 55th Queen of Tritona in HC 1410, the first commoner to ascend to the throne. Rule of the Tritona Queendom is now based upon merit and popularity, instead of bloodline. One year into her reign, Queen Wil disappears, sending Tritona into chaos. After thirteen months of fruitless searching, the disappearance is treated as an abdication, and the Imposter Queen Anfisa takes over the kingdom.

The Great Scourge occurs in HC 1447. Legions of Bioliths are reactivated and destroy anyone in their path, and Novogus returns from the dead and starts marching towards what was once his capital city.

The time line ends here, presumably in the present day, with the Great Scourge just beginning and the outcome yet to be determined.
Posted by ShadowKoneko on Sun, 13th Jan 2008, at 16:26
Whats the story behind the Earth and Biolith Traitors?
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