Novogus Catapult
Whether or not the Novogus Catapult fits your deck or personal play-style, there is no denying that it is an incredible card. With 4HP, it’s HP is higher than any other card with a Summoning Cost of 3 (with the exception of the Imperial Biolith Guard, which can’t get a Field Bonus, boosting its HP to an amazing 6), which by itself is almost enough to justify using it – 6HP for such a low Summoning Cost makes for a great, long-lived card – but when combined with its 2 Attack Power (which is the same standard as other 3-SC cards, so it hasn’t traded HP for Attack Power) Standard Ranged Attack Pattern, allowing you to strike your enemies from afar without risk of retaliation, it’s a great offensive card too.
For 3 Mana, you’d think that the combination of great attack and staying power would be sufficient, but that’s not even the best feature of the card. When the Novogus Catapult dies, on top of the 1 Mana you get for a standard creature death, you get 1 extra Mana for every Earth Field on the board. This means that if it’s destroyed, under normal circumstances, you’ll get back the entire Mana cost of the card. If all 3 Earth Fields happen to be on the board, you’ll actually get back MORE Mana than you paid to summon the card in the first place! This makes it an excellent card to have in Earth-Themed decks, and works especially well with Arelai the Protector.
The only real downside to the Catapult is that, because of its Ranged Attack Pattern, it cannot Counter-Attack creatures directly in front of it, which means it is more likely to be subjected to a direct attack. Of course, the same fact means that the card can easily be played walled off in a corner somewhere, out of harms way, so with a little careful planning you can completely negate the entire issue.
I’m trying to think up more negative points to say about the card to balance all the praise, but I really can’t come up with anything. This card is almost insanely powerful – I’d almost go as far as saying it might be overpowered, and I wouldn’t be too surprised to see it banned in tournaments at some later date – and I’m pretty sure that most decks could find room for at least one of them.
Fieldquakes are a great way to combat enemy Catapults if they have been placed on Earth Fields – it robs them of their Field Bonus and reduces the amount of Mana your opponent will receive when you kill it too. Ideally, you’d want to remove all of the Earth Fields from the board before finish off a Catapult, but in most circumstances, this will just be completely impractical. Because it can’t Counter-Attack close ranged attacks, any standard attackers do fine against it, although its high HP means it might take a little longer than normal, so don’t be afraid to spend a little more Mana on a heavier hitter. Alternatively, chipping away at it with a weaker card over a few turns will do the job just as well.
I try and keep these reviews as neutral as I can most of the time, but with a card this great, it’s a very difficult thing to do. If you have any space left in your deck which you are having trouble filling, the Novogus Catapult is a great choice, if you don’t already have some in your deck.
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For 3 Mana, you’d think that the combination of great attack and staying power would be sufficient, but that’s not even the best feature of the card. When the Novogus Catapult dies, on top of the 1 Mana you get for a standard creature death, you get 1 extra Mana for every Earth Field on the board. This means that if it’s destroyed, under normal circumstances, you’ll get back the entire Mana cost of the card. If all 3 Earth Fields happen to be on the board, you’ll actually get back MORE Mana than you paid to summon the card in the first place! This makes it an excellent card to have in Earth-Themed decks, and works especially well with Arelai the Protector.
The only real downside to the Catapult is that, because of its Ranged Attack Pattern, it cannot Counter-Attack creatures directly in front of it, which means it is more likely to be subjected to a direct attack. Of course, the same fact means that the card can easily be played walled off in a corner somewhere, out of harms way, so with a little careful planning you can completely negate the entire issue.
I’m trying to think up more negative points to say about the card to balance all the praise, but I really can’t come up with anything. This card is almost insanely powerful – I’d almost go as far as saying it might be overpowered, and I wouldn’t be too surprised to see it banned in tournaments at some later date – and I’m pretty sure that most decks could find room for at least one of them.
Fieldquakes are a great way to combat enemy Catapults if they have been placed on Earth Fields – it robs them of their Field Bonus and reduces the amount of Mana your opponent will receive when you kill it too. Ideally, you’d want to remove all of the Earth Fields from the board before finish off a Catapult, but in most circumstances, this will just be completely impractical. Because it can’t Counter-Attack close ranged attacks, any standard attackers do fine against it, although its high HP means it might take a little longer than normal, so don’t be afraid to spend a little more Mana on a heavier hitter. Alternatively, chipping away at it with a weaker card over a few turns will do the job just as well.
I try and keep these reviews as neutral as I can most of the time, but with a card this great, it’s a very difficult thing to do. If you have any space left in your deck which you are having trouble filling, the Novogus Catapult is a great choice, if you don’t already have some in your deck.
Current User Rating
12 Votes
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Posted by Gokutallohan on Thu, 17th Jan 2008, at 17:44
This card is indeed amazing. The attack power for 3 mana is great, and its high HP definitely helps it stick around for quite awhile. But the mana generation is the best part. In a pinch, I am not afraid to place it anywhere; even a Wood field, because I know I usually will be reimbursed on my mana. Against an enemy Catapult, I usually leave it alone, if possible. 3 mana to my opponent is way too risky. In my opinion, there really is no downside to this card. If I can't counter, so what? I will get my mana back, and then that will only help me to bring out the big boys to retaliate against my opponent. 5 STARS!!
Posted by slarth on Thu, 17th Jan 2008, at 17:57
you forgot to add that it has 1 activation cost making ideal for chipping away at high HP enemies 5 stars
Posted by Pessimism on Thu, 17th Jan 2008, at 19:05
Wonderful review! You're right- nothing bad to say about this little beast of a card at all! Works in any deck, versatility, and longevity! The true definition of a GREAT card! It can be used as a mana source, should you be low (put it on a wood field, let it die after changing as many fields as possible to earth...) or as a defensive post (placeholder until you can get check happening..) or as a sole offensive card- 2 attack for a lowly 1 cost- doesn't get much better! AND: coupled with Clare Wil's Banner- you have a real powerhouse card! Of course, if you want a negative- it can have trouble with dodge cards, so take that into consideration (I find those stupid Harpoonsman can be quite bothersome on a water field! Lol) All and all, this is one card you are bound to see a LOT of, because it really does work well in ANY deck structure.
Posted by OverZee on Fri, 18th Jan 2008, at 03:53
you have to have one or more of this card in your deck, it's just too powerfull to leave it out
Posted by Merco on Fri, 18th Jan 2008, at 04:03
If you can force your opponent to fieldquake the bottom-most woof field with a Juno Tree Haunt, then the Catapault will net you 4 mana when it's destroyed, giving you 6 mana in the next turn. From there, Nobles and Dragons aren't too hard to summon...
Posted by Merco on Fri, 18th Jan 2008, at 04:22
If you can force your opponent to fieldquake the bottom-most woof field with a Juno Tree Haunt, then the Catapault will net you 4 mana when it's destroyed, giving you 6 mana in the next turn. From there, Nobles and Dragons aren't too hard to summon...
Posted by krisfairholm on Fri, 18th Jan 2008, at 09:46
Agree completely with everything said above this is a must have card, you can just happily chip away at most creatures from range without been counter attacked for large percents of the time, most players don’t like to summons a creature to its target area cos they know if they do there just going to keep getting plunged then even when it gets destroyed you get a nice mana boosted to help ease the pain even though by which time it probably owes you nothing thanks to the damage it has caused your opponent. Best way to deal with this card is Beguiling Fog or Elvin Archers, once cast by an opponent I don’t even like to destroy them because of the mana regain.
Posted by Jesster on Mon, 21st Jan 2008, at 16:43
No arguments here. The catapault is definitely one of the best cards in the game. However, the review is slightly inaccurate in at least one spot:
"With 4HP, it’s HP is higher than any other card with a Summoning Cost of 3 (with the exception of the Imperial Biolith Guard, which can’t get a Field Bonus, boosting its HP to an amazing 6)"
In addition to the Biolith Guard, Didi, Warden Hilda, Siam, and Vulitra all have 4 HP for 3 mana and they CAN get field bonuses.
Posted by DaLancer on Tue, 22nd Jan 2008, at 01:08
It is a very useful defencesive card, however its mana generation effect has failed me before (my opponite got rid of the earth fields) and it only long range limits its ability to break a person out of check. Good, but not great.
Posted by Bany on Thu, 7th Feb 2008, at 09:47
This card has best HP/dmg/cost/ability ratio. Thats why i've gave it 5. "Must have" in every deck.
Posted by Jehuty13 on Tue, 12th Feb 2008, at 13:51
This card rocks! Its so good that it should be banished!
5 of 5
That`s it!
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